2nd International Colloquium on Integrational Linguistics

Language, Mind & Society: Semiological Perspectives

December 2-3, 2016
Seminar Room, Room 745, 7/F Run Run Shaw Tower, Centennial Campus, The University of Hong Kong

Theories of language tend inevitably to form part of a more general view of human affairs. Questions concerning the nature of thought, knowledge, creativity and social life therefore naturally assume a central importance in elaborating the wider implications of any philosophy of communication. Integrational linguistics offers a distinctive semiological approach to the study of language which challenges various authoritative academic orthodoxies. This colloquium brings together an international group of scholars whose work engages in various ways with the integrationist tradition in linguistic thought.

Organizers: Chris Hutton (HKU), Adrian Pablé (HKU) & Jon Orman (HKU)

Poster: Please click here.

Programme: Please click here.


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Last updated: 8 December 2016